"Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated."


Paul Rand

My name is Reda Lukobeka I am a graphic design major at the University of Illinois at Chicago, I am currently a junior and enjoying learning new things everyday at school.My goal in life is to one day own a graphic design company/ printer. I have been self employed for a long time, and I rather keep it that way, of course I will need to acquire real experience in the field just to have real life experience and to know how does my acquired skills in school fits in the real world. My main focus now is web design, since every time I browse the web to look for internships or actual jobs most companies require a strong understanding of HTML,CSS, as well as JavaScript, a skill I still lack, so it automatically made number one on my priorities list.

I hade made basic websites back in my days, but it was very basic using FrontPage the Microsoft software, but I have faith that I will get really comfortable with coding using HTML as well as styling using CSS.I enjoy using the adobe master collection; during my educational journey I made multiple books using Indesign software,shot beautiful pictures and transformed them to beautiful piece of art, I created solid good looking illustration using Illustrator,so yes I can say that I am a professional Graphic designer and enjoy creating elegant designs. Design is my life I see it everywhere,i experience it in my daily life in places normal people dont even notice it, it doesnt make me superior, but it gaves me an advantage, I thrive for inspiration and innovation everyday of life. In this day and age inspiration is everywhere, the Internet had connect the world and made our job even easier,so all I have to do is sharpen my skills everyday and thrive for greatness.

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