Right now, I don't have anything much to show
you but a few snapshots taken during the Virtual
Director demonstration during SuperComputing'98.
The images in this page are thumbnails to bigger
and detailed images. Click them for a larger , more detailed image. The
larger images, take a lot of time to come up due their size, but the fun
is lost if they are small.. After all, size
does matter.....
ain't it?
Super Computing 98
This snap was taken on November 9th, 1998 during the first day at SC'98.
The following set of snaps form a sequence of 10 frames captured in a single recording, and we are "supposed" to see a continuous change in the virtual environment. Though I'm afraid, it is not captured properly as there wasn't any movement of avatars in environment when the shot was taken.... excuse me...
I'll try to change the sequence into an animation
sequence or a movie file in the next couple of days... till then please
bear with me!!