There was no problem to create gingerbread body.
However, I could not find how I can tilt cube while extruding.
I tilted after extruding.
Tutorial : Animation
CS527 Project-1
It was simple to create bone.
From the tutorial document,  I didn’t notice, I can set parent-child relationship while making bone.
I found nice tutorial video from youtube.
At the first time, I couldn’t notice where are the regions set automatically.
I can not see area clearly, so I needed to use property buttons(choose bone name, and click select button) for checking region.
Blender’s automatic match was not good enough, so I did manually.
That’s safe.
It was easy to make a pose, and make animation until this tutorial step.
Until this time, I have no area about action editor and NLA editor.
Later, while making animation, I can catch that without tutorial.
I tired to find tutorial about NLA editor, but it’s not really useful.
The Story
My animation is about singing main aria from Opera Carmen.
There are some people around her. Some of them came to there to see her.
Carmen comes to the people, and singing about  “When she will love you-~~”, then she find one man that sitting on the table.
She is interested, so she go to him and start to sing to him.
After I decided the story, I did drawing about gingerbread, clothes, house, movement etc.
Sketch was just idea of scene.
It’s really bad drawing, but It helped to me creating model.
I made script according to my story. Story has two different scenes.
This is script. (even it’s in Korea, there is also English letter..sometimes)
This is my model’s bone structure.
I did some trick for eye, eyebrow, and lip. (you can find what could it be in the left picture)
Not like tutorial, from the project, there are more thing I should know.
It’s all about action. NLA editor.
I did many try-and-errors for the keep animation.
My main problem was  “undo-redo” with blender-sometimes go to really old action and could not go back to current action-, sometimes crash, and choosing active action.
Once you start to play with NLA editor, then you can only choose current active action from the NLA editor, not action editor.
Then you can keep modify animations.
Creating  Models
Actors, Stage(Background)
Final Rendering and merging
It took long long~~  time.
I heard that, but I never did before.
So finally, I have sense to respect people making animations.
It is low-resolution final version.
If you want more clear movie, then you can download the movie file.
Editing Scene
I used NLA editor.
According to action, you have actor list like the left picture.
Then you can add actions strip, and decided when it will start.
However, the main action is one at one time. So if you have several separate actions, then you need to split rendering.
Other Story
As my first animation, my choice was not good.
It’s was very tricky to do “try” matching sound and lip. Two singing parts are created in different way.
At the time making first singing animation, I tried to catch every word,speed, calculate how many frame it needs, but it’s not working well.
At the second singing, I just catch the duration and roughly calculated. However, I think second singing is better.
Another try was try to move neck, spine, eyes, eyebrow every time (just little bit). However, small movement can not see from the rendering.
I somehow disappointed the final result of mine.
-Hyejung Hur