Setting Up an ImmersaDesk/CAVE System

This document describes the major steps involved in setting up the workstation for an ImmersaDesk system. The setup for a CAVE system is similar, although there are additional details which are not yet documented here.

Step One - Hardware

Install all the hardware, and connect all the cables (between the workstation, the PC, the projector, and the stereo emitters).

Step Two - Files

Unpack the software. The complete CAVE software distribution should come in a gzip compressed archive file CAVE.tar.gz. To unpack it, execute the following command:
	gunzip < CAVE.tar.gz | tar xvf -
This will create a directory named CAVE, with the subdirectories bin, doc, etc, include, lib, and src. The basic contents of the directories are: This directory hierarchy should normally be installed as /usr/local/CAVE. If it is installed elsewhere, the environment variable CAVE_HOME must be used to tell CAVE programs where to search for configuration and support files (e.g. setenv CAVE_HOME /disk/CAVE).

Four of the programs in CAVE/bin/ (mplock, mpunlock, restarttrackd, and killtrackd)must be installed with setuid root permission. They are distributed as mplock.exe, etc, and should be copied and chmod'ed as necessary. If the CAVE/ hierarchy is NFS mounted, this may require having a copy of these executables on a local disk (depending on your NFS security). Our standard solution for this is as follows:

	cp mplock.exe /sbin/mplock
	chown root.sys /sbin/mplock
	chmod u+s /sbin/mplock
	ln -s /sbin/mplock /usr/local/CAVE/bin/mplock
    (repeat for mpunlock, restarttrackd, killtrackd)
(The programs need to be locatable through the CAVE/bin/ directory, as that is where CAVE programs will run them from.) The source code for four three programs is in CAVE/src/.

In the CAVE/etc/ directory are three configuration files - cave.config, idesk.config, ir.config, and re2.config. cave.config is a generic configuration file which sets most of the standard options, and tells programs to run in CAVE simulator mode. idesk.config is a standard ImmersaDesk configuration. re2.config and ir.config are sample configurations for a system driving a full CAVE. On an ImmersaDesk system, copy the file idesk.config to HOSTNAME.config, where HOSTNAME is the system name, as returned by /usr/bsd/hostname. When a CAVE program starts, it will first read the generic cave.config, and then will read HOSTNAME.config for any machine-specific settings. This allows multiple computers running in different modes (simulator, ImmersaDesk, CAVE, etc) to share one NFS mounted CAVE/etc/ directory. (NB: there is one obvious flaw in the present design - you should not name your machine 'cave'.) NB: Both configuration files (cave.config and HOSTNAME.config) need to be installed, as the default cave.config contains some standard settings which are not it the host-specific file.

Step Three - Video

CAVE programs are normally run in a stereo display mode, preferably the newer quadbuffered stereo. Only certain SGI video formats support stereo display; the normal 60 Hz or 72 Hz formats do not. Currently, the standard stereo video mode used is a 96 Hz format. While the CAVE software can be made to switch into this mode when it runs (and back out when it exits), it is preferable to leave the system in 96 Hz mode permanently. The video mode is changed using the setmon command; changing the default mode requires root privileges.

On an Onyx/RE2, issue the command:

	/usr/gfx/setmon -x 1025x768_96s
On an Indigo2 Impact, issue the command:
	/usr/gfx/setmon -x 1024x768_96s
On an Onyx Infinite Reality, the command:
	/usr/gfx/setmon -x 1024x768_96s
may work, although it tends to fail on many currently shipped systems. The method that is known to work is to run /usr/gfx/ircombine. This program is a GUI which allows you to define your own combinations of video formats. After starting the program, hit the "Edit Globals..." button (in the lower right corner); this brings up a dialog box. Change the managed area on the top line of the dialog to be 1024 by 768, and hit "Close". Then hit the "Ch0" button (at the top of the window), and choose 1024x768_96s.vfo in the file selector. Now select "Save to EEPROM" from the "File" menu, and hit "Download" in the dialog that pops up. (You can also save the combination to a .cmb file for later loading with setmon).

Once you have set the default video mode, with either setmon or ircombine, you must restart the graphics to load it. Do this either via the Vulcan Death Grip (Shift-Control-F12-/), or by running /usr/gfx/stopgfx ; /usr/gfx/startgfx .

Warning: On an IR system, you will probably need patch 1355 to get a 1024x768_96s video format which works correctly with the Electrohome projectors.

To reset the display to the normal 1280x1024 60 Hz format, run

	/usr/gfx/setmon -x 60hz
and restart the graphics.

Step Four - Tracker Daemon

In older CAVE and ImmersaDesk setups, CAVE programs communicated directly with the tracking and wand systems. The newer, preferred approach is to use trackd, the tracking daemon. The daemon is left running on the system at all times, and writes data into shared memory for CAVE programs to read; it has much lower overhead than the older drivers, and avoids some problems inherent in the old dial/button box approach used for the wand.

First, edit your ImmersaDesk configuration file (the one in CAVE/etc/ originally named idesk.config), and make sure that the tracker serial port and baud rate are correct. A standard configuration is as follows:

	TrackerPort /dev/ttyd2
	TrackerBaud 38400
	TrackerType daemon
	Wand daemon
	SerialTracking y
Next check that the script CAVE/bin/starttrackd has the correct serial port for the wand and the correct tracker type. The standard trackd command line is:
	/usr/local/CAVE/bin/trackd -spacepad -pcwand /dev/ttyd1
(For purely historical reasons, the wand serial port is given on the command line while the tracker serial port is given in the configuration file.)

Make sure that both of the serial ports (ttyd1 and ttyd2 above) are configured as "Available" in the System Manager; i.e. the system does not think that anything is attached to them. Often port 1 is configured to have a terminal attached to it; this will confuse the tracking, and should be disabled (or else use a different port).

To have the daemon automatically started whenever the system boots, add the script to /etc/rc2.d. i.e.:

	ln -s /usr/local/CAVE/bin/starttrackd /etc/rc2.d/S992trackd
If the tracking daemon seems to die at any point, it can be restarted using CAVE/bin/restarttrackd. This program merely does an /etc/killall trackd and then re-runs /usr/local/CAVE/bin/starttrackd (both as root).

Remember to make sure that the mdesk program is always running on the tracker PC.

Step Five - Tracker Configuration (auto_config)

See Marek's IDesk tracker setup documentation (ignore section 2.3 if you are using the daemon as described above).

Step Six - Testing

The basic confidence test is CAVE/bin/cavevars. This is a simple CAVE program which just displays all the standard CAVE data - the tracking, wand state, time, and stereo information. Run it and check that the button presses and joystick movement are reported, that the tracker positions (both the head and wand) look accurate, and that the stereo phase is correct.

If cavevars (or another CAVE program) does not run correctly, the first thing to check is the configuration data. The final configuration which a program will use is printed to stderr when the program starts; review this and make sure that all relevant entries appear correct. For reference, the normal configuration output from our ImmersaDesk (with the environment variable CAVEDEBUGCONFIG set to "full") is as follows:

CAVE Library Version 2.6 - Compiled May  9 1997
CAVE: Reading configuration file /usr/local/CAVE/etc/cave.config
CAVE: Reading configuration file /usr/local/CAVE/etc/clark.config
CAVE Configuration (full):
 Active walls ..................... 1
        screen7 [-1x-1+0+0] "DISPLAY=:0.0" both eye(s) viewport:-1,-1;-1,-1/-1,-1;-1,-1
            wall, corners: (-2.79,2.75,0.00) (-2.79,6.03,-2.57) (2.79,2.75,0.00)/(-2.79,2.75,0.00) (-2.79,6.03,-2.57) (2.79,2.75,0.00)
 CAVE width ....................... 10.00 feet
 CAVE height ...................... 10.00 feet
 CAVE origin ...................... 5.00 0.00 5.00 feet
 Display mode ..................... stereo
 Stereo buffer .................... y
 Interocular distance ............. 0.229 feet
 CAVE translation ................. 0.000 0.000 0.000 feet
 CAVE rotation matrix ............. 1.000,0.000,0.000
 CAVE scale ....................... 1.000
 Hide cursor ...................... y
 Serialized tracking .............. y
 Tracker type ..................... daemon
 Tracker Daemon Key ............... 4126
 Use calibration .................. y
 Calibration file ................. /usr/local/CAVE/etc/clark.0.0.correction.table
 Transmitter offset ............... -0.360 8.170 -1.270 feet
 Transmitter orientation matrix ... 1.000,0.000,0.000
 Wand sensor offset ............... 0.000 0.000 -0.333 feet
 Wand sensor orientation matrix ... 1.000,0.000,0.000
 Head sensor offset ............... 0.292 0.000 -0.208 feet
 Head sensor orientation matrix ... 0.000,-1.000,0.000
 Active sensors  .................. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
 Wand ............................. daemon
 Controller Daemon Key ............ 4127
 Simulator ........................ n
 Simulator view ................... 10.000x7.500, 2.000 feet
 Network .......................... none
 CPU locking ...................... n
 CAVE units ....................... feet
 Distribution ..................... none
 App Distribution ................. none
 Gang swap ........................ n
 Scramnet ......................... n
 Sim Scramnet Key ................. 0
If the configuration is correct, review the rest of the system setup as described in the preceding sections.
Last modified 11 May 1997.
Dave Pape,