The current version of the CAVE library is 2.6f;
it was installed (at EVL) on 27 February 1998.
CAVE libraries
Inventor in the CAVE
Other libraries & information
- VSS - the NCSA
Audio Development Group's sound server
- CAVERNsoft - New architecture for networked CAVE applications
- Performer-CAVE programming - introductions to using
Performer and pfCAVE, and example code
- VRML - Swami's CAVE VRML browser & loader
- VRen - Randy
Hudson's volume rendering library
- CAVEComm manual - documentation for Argonne's
CAVE networking library
- snew.tar.gz - Mike Papka's shared memory 'new' operator
for C++
README - the README for 'snew'
- sharedm.tar.gz - Terry Franguiadakis's C++ shared memory
class [unsupported]
- Example CAVE programs
- trackd.tar.gz -
contains read-trackd, trackd-skeleton,
controllerd-skeleton, and dummy-trackd -
sample code for attaching to and reading data from the CAVE tracker
daemon, and for creating new tracker daemons
- dummy-trackd.c - a dummy tracking daemon which
spews fabricated tracker & wand data into shared memory, for testing
CAVE apps or other programs which read tracker daemon data.
- xcave.tar.gz -
code for generating X-window events from a CAVE program (used to control
the workstation pointer with the wand)
- cavevars.c -
source code for cavevars, the basic CAVE confidence test program
Last modified 16 August 2000.