My Bio
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Jason Leigh, PhD
Electronic Visualization Laboratory
professor of computer science
University of Illinois at Chicago
Phone: (312) 996 3002
Fax: (312) 413 7585
Email: spiff at

Office Address:
    842 W Taylor St, Room 2032,
Engineering Research FacilitY, Chicago, IL 60607
Mailing Address:
    851 S. Morgan St., Room 1120
Chicago, IL 60607http://www.evl.uic.edu,+chicago,+il&layer=c&sll=41.869691,-87.648453&cbp=13,25.11,,0,-0.66&cbll=41.869642,-87.648529&hl=en&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=842+W+Taylor+St,+Chicago,+Cook,+Illinois+60607&ll=41.869657,-87.6484&spn=0.005728,0.007253&t=h&z=17&panoid=U4RVSutfPKHv-FgqyLDnIg,+chicago,+il&layer=c&sll=41.869691,-87.648453&cbp=13,25.11,,0,-0.66&cbll=41.869642,-87.648529&hl=en&sspn=0.006295,0.006295&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=842+W+Taylor+St,+Chicago,+Cook,+Illinois+60607&ll=41.869657,-87.6484&spn=0.005728,0.007253&t=h&z=17&panoid=U4RVSutfPKHv-FgqyLDnIgshapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1shapeimage_5_link_2
Jason Leigh is a Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Electronic Visualization Lab and the Software Technologies Research Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

He is also Fellow of the Institute for Health Research and Policy, and He has held research appointments at Argonne National Laboratory, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.

His research expertise includes: large scale data visualization; virtual reality; high performance networking; and video game design.

His recent invention, the CAVE2 Hybrid Reality Environment has been licensed to Mechdyne Corporation and received coverage from AP News.

In 2010 he initiated a new multi-disciplinary area of research called Human Augmentics - which refers to the study of technologies for expanding the capabilities and characteristics of humans.

His research has also received numerous press from News media including:
the New York Times,
Popular Science's Future Of,
Nova ScienceNow,
NSF Science Now, PBS, and Forbes.

Leigh also teaches classes in Software Design and he has been teaching Video Game Design for over 10 years. In 2010 his video game design class enabled the University of Illinois at Chicago to be ranked among the top 50 video game programs in US and Canada.
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