Collaborative Architectural Layout Via Immersive Navigation
Jason Leigh, Andrew E. Johnson, Christina Vasilakis, Thomas A. DeFanti
One of the current long term goals at the Electronic Visualization
Laboratory (EVL) is to create a persistent virtual environment
enabling multiple transcontinentally-situated participants to apply
collaborative Virtual Reality (VR) over high-speed and high-bandwidth
networks connected to heterogeneous supercomputing resources and large
data stores. Many of the applications in the GII Testbed at
Supercomputing '95 focused on connecting supercomputing resources to
VR devices to visualize data from specific scientific problem
domains. Our focus, however, was on researching the techniques
required to support general collaborative work in persistent virtual
environments. These techniques include providing: representations for
virtual co-presence; video and audio teleconferencing; virtual VR
interfaces; and database technology for sustaining persistence in
virtual worlds.