Dear guest,

My name is Inga Vasiljeva. I am a third year Graphic Design major student at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Why do I study Graphic design? I study Graphic Design because I am drawn to arts, science, and technology. I have an innate impulse to organize my immediate environment as well as information from global resources derived through wide range of information channels. I believe that Graphic Design isa middle ground between the arts and the sciences, and I am born to love both.

Furthermore, Graphic Design is a field of study that comes in touch with a variety of subjects while allowing the flexibility for visually experimental output of data presentation.

I have always felt that Graphic Design is my vehicle of growth and expression. My practice as a graphic designer revolves around organizing the information in its most efficient way and catered toward the intended user.

In many ways, the act of designing something is as important to me as the cause itself. My own philosophy is that design is a thoughtful arrangement of objects, materials, and concepts that are brought together in an effort to improve the living standards of the global community. My long term vision is to be a part of a design team that is concerned with raising the wellbeing of global inhabitat.

Moreover, I am also interested in current technology. Technology can be a an efficient tool for composing, processing and distributing information. I enjoy using Adobe Creative Suite as it provides most flexible solutions to most common set of design requirements.

I am a designer, who firmly believes that Graphic Design is an expression that has long transcended the margins of paper and has found its purpose in architecture, and interior, as well as product design.