body |
a transform that is a fixed distance below the head of the user |
grabNavigator |
a navigator that can grab and move with respect to another node |
vectorNavigator |
a navigator that takes a direction and rotation vector |
ygCAVEHead |
creates a transform tracked with sensor 0 and a ygHead child node |
ygCAVENavigator |
creates a navigator with CAVE navigation data for the user |
ygCAVETracker |
creates a tracked simple transform from a CAVE sensor |
ygCAVEWand |
creates a wand that detects CAVE wand button events |
ygHead |
creates a transform tracked with sensor 0 for the user head |
ygNavigator |
creates a navigator with navigation data for the user |
ygUser |
aggregates the user related functions of wands, navigators, and trackers |
ygWand |
creates a wand for the user and adds it to the user wand list |
mirror |
a space within which all subject geometry and users are mirrored |
morpher |
creates a morphed object between two or more models |
particleSystem |
a node that creates a particle system |
quadparts |
creates a number of falling particles in a range about the user |
rain |
creates any number of rain particles in a range about the user |
reference |
creates another instance of Performer geometry |
reflection |
a transform that reflects scene geometry about an axis |
smoke |
creates a rising plume of smoke |
snow |
creates any number of snow particles in a range about the user |
surface |
a tri-strip surface of variable size |
text |
a node that creates a 3D string of text |
visualPriority |
a node that sets the visual priority of children |
waves |
a tri-strip surface with a sinusoidal wave motion |
ygGeometry |
a base class for ygGeometry nodes |
ygObject |
loads and transforms models from any one of the accepted Performer model formats |
ygScene |
a node that loads a scene file |
ygTexture |
load a texture and place it on a polygon |
billboard |
a transform that orients to face the viewer about a point or axis |
grabber |
a transform that moves with respect to a wand or other transformed node |
gravity |
a transform that moves down to the first floor intersection found |
manipulator |
a transform that moves with respect to a wand or other transformed node |
mover |
a quaternian based motion path between two positions and orientations |
moveToNode |
a mover that takes end coordinates from a node |
orientAxis |
a transform that orients itself about an axis |
pathRandom |
a transform that will move an object throught a random path inside a volume |
physics |
a transform that uses simple physics for dynamic motion |
pointAtNode |
a transform that orients to face a node about a point or axis |
pointFollower |
a transform that moves a percentage along a path of points |
pointMover |
a transform that moves a percentage along a path of points and orientations |
poserAnimator |
allows the loading and animation of poser motion file |
ygGrid |
a grid for snapping transformations |
ygTransform |
creates a transformation matrix with position, orientation, and scale |
applyTexture |
applies a texture to the existing texture on objects below it |
CAVEEyes |
a node that allows drawing to one or both eyes |
clipPlane |
a clipping plane that can be positioned within the scene |
geometrySwitch |
a node that switches intersection and draw state |
highlight |
adds highlighting to the nodes below it |
layer |
set the heirerchy for rendering of coplanar surfaces |
material |
adjusts the material properties of all nodes below it |
movieTexture |
replaces the texture on objects below it with that of a movie file |
spotLight |
creates a point light source |
stencilBuffer |
a node that implements stencil buffering |
textureTransform |
adjust the texture matrix of all nodes below this node |
videoTexture |
displays a live video stream |
viewTexture |
replaces the texture on objects below it with that of a rendered view |
ygEnvironment |
establishes sky color, fog, and clipping plane parameters within a space |
ygLight |
creates a light source with direction, ambient, diffuse, and specular settings |
add |
a value node that computes the sum of its children |
and |
a boolean node that computes the AND of its children |
boolean |
a variable size array of boolean values |
clock |
a value node that computes the current time |
distance |
a node that generates the distance to a node |
divide |
a value node that computes the quotient of its children |
equalTo |
a boolean node that does an = test on its children |
greaterEqual |
a boolean node that does a >= test on its children |
greaterThan |
a boolean node that does a > test on its children |
interpolate |
an array that interpolates between a start array and an end array |
lessEqual |
a boolean node that does a <= test on its children |
lessThan |
a boolean node that does a < test on its children |
mathematics |
a value node that performs common mathematic operations |
maximum |
a value node that computes the maximum of its children |
minimum |
a value node that computes the minimum of its children |
multiply |
a value node that computes the product of its children |
Negate |
a value node that computes the negative of its last child |
not |
a boolean node that computes the NOT of its last child |
or |
a boolean node that computes the OR of its children |
positioner |
a valuator that can only take positions and orientations listed in a file |
proximity |
a node that generates the distance to the nearest user |
readFile |
an array that is read from a file |
remoteValue |
an array that is created and updated on each client |
String |
a node that stores and manipulates a character string |
subtract |
a value node that computes the difference of its children |
timer |
a timer that generates changing values over a duration |
valuator |
an interpolate node with transformed position and orientation values |
value |
a variable size array of values |
writeFile |
an array that is read from a file |